I should log into my accounts more often, I keep forgetting which passwords access which account, my bad.
Watched two movies in the past two days. The Bourne Ultimatum and Hairspray. I prefer the former. But the latter is really funny! The former is just action packed and nerve racking. Kinda. Well, I just like it, ;)
Today, I saw the four people form HEROES. :D I stood at the south entrance where they were coming in for an hour, just to get a look and possibly autographs/picutres? I got Mohinder(SR's autograph! He literally signed SR. It looks pretty much like a scribble, but he was kinda signing alot. I don't blame him. Haha. I want the pictures. :D
Psst, they are all really good looking. Even Parkman(Greg Grunberg), yes even Parkman. He is surprisingly really good looking. Note, he's 44 and he looks 29/32 ish? Do you know, Hiro(Maki Osa) has an IQ of 180? He is fluent in English, Japanese and Spanish. Cool, no? Milo Ventimiglia didn't come, ): He's lacto-vegetarian. We shold all turn laco-vegetatian.
Okay, I'm spouting nonsense, I'm sick and... Bye.
Don't even think of committing suicide. Don't waste life. If you really want to, first give your life to this guy, okay? All that's left now is his pregnant girlfriend. Rip Antonio Puerta. & soon, one year anniversary Stevo. I miss watching your shows, alot. I miss watching Steve and Bindi playing together. There's something missing in this world.
There's something missing and I know we will never find it again. Don't tell me you want to die. Tell me you want to live.
I live, I breathe, I cry, I hurt, I laugh, I smile. I make my life worthwhile.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Okay, my whole post got deleted. Basically, sorry for not replying on time/at all even some times. I'm usually not online, though I appear to be. As the prelims are coming up shortly, stressed I am. Um, good luck. 8 papers, 6 subjects, 4 days, 2 papers a day. Whee.... (With estasticsm, pffts.)
Anyone who can reach you, can love you or leave you.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I swear it's illgeal to be as good looking as Gaspard Ulliel and Guillaume Canet. They're better than drool worthy. They're from the same hometown, they must have amazing godly genes there. Someone take me there alright? I'll share one with you? HAHAHAHA. I'm talking nonsense, no? You should've heard what I said in english orals. It was laugh-worthy. Even the examiner was laughing at my comments on the "coach".
SNOOGUMS, BOOOOOOOOOOOOGUMS. (I like this line.) Happy belated birthday Panny. Everybody, go to youtube.com and search pannywanny & you'll see one of the bestest people you meet on earth.
I haven't posted picture in such a long time, so here it goes...
Ben! (:
As the lack of sleep kicks in and my typing becomes incorrigble, I shall take my leave. Goodnight.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Way to go, Keano. (:
I can't wait to see what will happen in the Man Utd & Liverpool matches!
Also, congratulations to Newcastle, 3-1. HAAAAAAAAAA. He's Smith, he's Alan Alan Smithhh! :D
Friday, August 10, 2007
I shall somewhat revive this to a certain extent, only updating on major issues. Other than that, posts will be in LJ... Until I decide to move back here again.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
After everything,
Livejournal. Locked.
Ask me for the URL yourself.
I don't want my life to be an open book anymore.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
I don't know what to say anymore. Just so you know, she replied all but one.
There's no wonder why
This is what you call love?
Well, I'll tell you my friend,
One day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down,
A new life she has found.
I am procrastinating again. I really shouldn't be online. But currently, there's just this relly sombre atmosphere. I should take my leave now. Oh yes, listen to Jenny. (: Screw Eric Dill, Kyle Patrick is sweet.
She said, I've finally had enough.
Friday, August 03, 2007
SECONDLY, MY SECOND BROTHER IS COMING HOME TODAY! (Okay, not interesting... But still!)
Today was plain depressing. I felt so bad after school and everything, cause I seriously had no mood to laugh/talk alot. The stupid mission thing shuold be banned from speaking of (blankblank) okay! I even stopped talking to Bhagat in school and ignored her, that bad. ): Guilt conscience. But one thing really cheered me up but after awhile it became like, :/ again. Then ): after school. Then :/ again, then :) pretend. But seriously still :/ Funny how people can't see past the facade.
First you say you won't
Then you say you will
Keep me hanging on
But we're not moving on
Or standing still
Jenny, you've got me on my knees
Jenny, and it's killing me
Thursday, August 02, 2007
If paradise existed, I'd take you with me.
Harry Potter. It was really choppy, they weren't kidding. But overall, I like Luna Lovegood. :D She's so strange and peculiar, but yet so intresting and you are just drawn to her weird traits. I'm so tired. I am sick of popcorn, today it was so sweet, it tasted like this hard mass of caramel with a sugary tinge. I am tired and sleepy. Tomorrow I have to read, nooooooooo!We'll stay eight inches away, so that I can't be there.
Even if I wanted to, you wouldn't let me. So why try, no?
Severus Snape: [watches a touching memory between Harry and Sirius] I may vomit.
"My life his purpose.
My soul his care."
- On Guardian Angels
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Nicole Mok Zhi Yan, I am going to miss youuuuuuu! ): I'll always have you & Chelsea in my hearts(Though I really think you should've called Chelsea Liverpool. Haha!), I'm going to miss all those stories you told me of the friends episodes and the MARK! days with you when only both of us thought he was the cutest! Plus agreeing that CSI:NY was the best one and CSI:MIAMI just wasn't cool enough!
Yes I know you're leaving on Saturday, but I'm really going to miss youuuuuuuu! I want to see you online everytime I go online okay? Haha! I hope I see you before you leave, but I don't know if I will be able to make it, so... See you in a year, Icole Ok Hi An. (Insert sad smile!) One day, we'll go ice skating together.
Even if you walk away, everything stays the same.